Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Where in the world is "Melissa" San Diego?

Did you ever watch that show "Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?" It was full of fun and excitement trying to track down this lady and all the places she was going! No? just me. okay then. Well I apologize for the lack of blogging. My life has consist of work, school, work, Padres, work. I haven't taken any pictures of these exciting times so therefore no blogs. But life is really good. I looking forward more and more to my teaching career. The classes I have been taking have fueled the fire. There are some fun events to look forward in the near blogging future. Vegas trip, weddings, plays, and some trouble I am sure I will get into. For now I leave with you a little story. I may not be blogging but don't worry I am still acting like an idiot sometimes.
It was a week ago, spring break had just come. I have really enjoyed my classes. So much that I was upset that we had spring break. I have 100% in the class right now and it is the first time I have rocked in school. I put in more hours at work just to distract me from missing school. Finally the day came, spring break was over and I was going back to school. I quickly left work with excitement to learn more math. I was like a little kid running down the stairs to open Christmas presents. My smile got bigger as I got to school. I got there quicker then usual. For some reason there wasn't as much traffic, which made me even more happy. I pulled into the parking lot. A puzzled look wiped across my face. "why are there no cars in the parking lot?" "Am I going to get an awesome parking spot today?" I thought with the hope that my worst nightmare wasn't about to come true. I grabbed the syllabus scrolling down each date when I saw it. 'Spring Break March 31- April 4' My heart dropped with disappointment. So the week I thought was spring break was actually school that I had missed. And I have never been the same since!


leethie said...

Ouch! What a bummer! So what did you do with your extra spring break? Were you able to catch up with teachers to find out what you missed?

Emily said...

i am dying! that is hilarious. it was your way of justifying having two weeks off school! way to go!

Erin Hoy said...

Just so you know - I LOVE where in the world is Carmen San Diego!

Heather said...

I really enjoyed the show Where in the World is Carmen San Diego! You arn't the only one who remembers:)
Thanks for giving me a good laugh.
I hope that your little mistaken extended spring break didn't mess up any of your grades. That would just stink!

VoNique said...

That's awesome! But I'm sure the Acme Institution would not be proud. Nevertheless...Do it Rock-a-Melissa!

Autumn said...

Carmen San Diego was a computer game before it was a show, and you'd better believe I was a nerd and totally played it. It was good to read your about spring break, but funny.

VeNicia said...

I am a die-hard Melissa fan for reasons such as this. (Almost as much as I was a Carmen San Diego fan =oP )