Saturday, September 15, 2007

A rededication!

So I realized that my last post was on the first on the month. I am so sorry that I have neglected my post responsibilities. Thank you to those out there who have faithfully click to my web page hoping that I would have added something new. Well the wait is over.
I have no pictures which is one reason why I have not blogged but I figured a wordy blog is better then no blog.
Life has been good over in San Diego. The weather is getting perfect again. It was hitting the 90s for a little which was annoying. In San Diego News, the Padres are battling to "keep their head in the game." They are currently beating the San Francisco Giants and with the Diamondbacks losing puts them 2 games behind. Its been a roller coaster with them these last few weeks. Luckily we have the Chargers starting up with a 1 - 0 record. They have a big game against the Patriots this Sunday. We are hoping for a victorious rematch from last year's post season upset. I love getting into these sports. For one thing it is fun to have a team to root for and second our whole family gets into it. We have a special bonding moment in between my brother cursing at the tv with a beer in his hand after a bad call, my parents laying on the couch eating and getting equally upset and me getting pretty ticked when they can't pull it together but trying to keep it calm after all it is Sunday, God's day.
Work is going pretty good. Both my supervisors like me so that is always a good sign. I am currently wrapping up my application for the teach for america program. Interviews are going to be starting next month. Hopefully I will know in a couple of months what the future has in store come next summer.
I am still enjoying my various extra curricular activities. I am getting pretty good at the piano. Well thats what my teacher says at least. She is trying to get me to play in a recital in december but she is going to have to do a lot more convincing. I am taking institute. I am getting ready for the fall shows to come back on. I am way excited to see what this season has in store. I am not going to list all the shows so I don't look that pathetic. Tyler and I are still dating. He is such great guy and I love being around him. We will see though....
The upcoming month I think is going to be more blog post because of some fun things to look forward to. I have a handful of friends coming down throughout the month. Right now Erica and her family are down for Oscar's soccer tournament. (I'll put some pictures up soon from this trip.) But in two weeks I have Gretchen coming down. Two more is Melissa and then the following week I am going up to Utah for Emily's wedding. In between that I am very close to getting Amy to move down here. Exciting times! I love when people come visit.
Well that is about that with me so far. I will work on getting more blogs up.


Christine said...

Wow, do I really have to read all that??

Christine said...

Well, I think I got about 1/3 of the way through your post today. I'll have to read some more tomorrow. I figure if I put in about an hour a day I should have it finished sometime next week. :)

Candy Javier said...

Oh my freakin gosh! I am so excited that you found me! You are doing so well and you look so beautiful. And taking the piano... love it! You have to call me and tell me all about Tyler... Love ya!

Christine said...

I think I'm getting there. The suspense is killing me, so I might have to stay up all night to finish.

Christine said...

PS I really could use someone to hold Easton this next you think you could come up??? :)