Saturday, September 1, 2007

Such a Follower!

So I am adding a post just like everyone before me admitting to my addiction and encouraging everyone to read the twilight series.

I just finish new moon and am already into eclipse! I got my friend Shelby into it. We have been reading it together. After every chapter we are calling each other and wondering what is going to happen next. I have many theories on what is going to happen next. I love it though. Now I didn't want to get into it. I thought that a book about a vampire and romance is just not my cup of tea but I was totally wrong. This is a great series.

So for the next couple of days this is the position I will be in while I finish up the series. I am getting sad to end it because I know that I have to wait a whole year for next book!


Allie said...

yay! I love those books! I really cant stop thinking about them especially Edward I love him!!! I know I should be totally embarrassed to say that but I dont care anymore! I've read all the books twice too once you've read them all and go back and read twilight again its sooooooooo good because you know whats going on instead of being confused some of the time. so I totally just embarrassed myself oh well. I'm excited for you!!

Christine said...

How did you get so far ahead of me???? I'm only on New Moon! I guess I'm just trying to savor it since I know I have a year for the next book to come out. Ha ha hah

Christine said...

Where are you??? What are you doing????

Anonymous said... the books are even better the second time around. I think Chris is jealous of my new love/obsession...When are you going to start round two??