Saturday, November 10, 2007

Who says Halloween in over

There was suppose to be a halloween boat dance right before halloween but because of the fires it was rescheduled for last night. Which was good for me because I had to work on the night of the original boat dance. It was fun filled night of dancing and friends. I was a pirate. I got really into my character and threaten to make any one that was not having fun to walk the plank. The dance started at 11 and didn't get done till 2 in the morning. I got home around 330 am! I was so tired by the end of the night. I don't know how I use to be able to do these late nights just a couple of years ago. But all and all it was a great evening!


Jesse said...

You make one good looking pirate! Arrrgh.

Anonymous said...

So Cute! Love the costume!!