Saturday, August 16, 2008

Deep Sea Fishing

When you work with all guys and a company trip is coming up then you know it means some manly event to show off. This time it was deep sea fishing. I have never been before and almost chickened out. But I am so glad that I went.

I have to be honest I caught some fish but it wasn't really because of my skill. On the first fish I was trying to get going and catch the live bait to put on my pole. Well one of the crew started yelling at me to grab his pole which had a fish on it. I started reeling it in. It was hard!! I finally got it near the boat and looked to the left and all of a sudden my rod had broke. I felt so bad because it was his personal fishing rod. All the guys were nice and told me that it wasn't my fault but I couldn't stop feeling guilty. Well I tried to get a picture with me holding the fish but the stupid thing wouldn't die and kept wiggling away. I ended up having to put my foot on it just to take a picture with it.

These are all the fish I caught. Well with ALOT of help from the crew.


Erin Hoy said...

EWW! When I went a couple of years ago... I caught 1 and 1/2 fish. Long story... It was Shane's fault!

Heather said...

What an experience! I like fishing, but I don't every catch something that I am really excited about. Love the photos!