Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Night At Moonlight

Natalie and I went to moonlight last weekend. I haven't been there since 2000 when I worked there. It was good to back to my old high school job. Now when I was working there people were lining up since 3:30 in the afternoon. So when Natalie got the tickets for us I told her we need to get there as early as possible to get good seats. She looked at me like I was crazy. Kind of like this...

The great thing is that Natalie doesn't look at my blog so I can put these embarrassing pictures online.

Anyways well we compromised and got there around 5:30 and there was barely anyone there. So I looked quite stupid. I got to hear that for the rest of the night. It was a blast though. We had a nice little picnic. Granted it wasn't as elaborate as other people there with their tables and gourmet cheese. The play was Joseph and the Amazing Technical Color Dreamcoat. Good times!