Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bodies the Exhibition

Tonight I went to Bodies the Exhibition. It was amazing. They were able to perserve human parts and show them to us. Basically we were able to see what is inside of us. They showed us a healthy lung compared to a smokers lung, the brain after a stroke, and much more stuff. I so appriecative of my body after learning how everything works. My plan for the 2008 year is to go on a diet and this exhibit helped me see literally where everything goes and how it all works together. I mean afterwards we did go spilt a double chocolate brownie. Its not 2008 yet so don't judge. The exhibit travels all aroudn so if it comes to your neck of the woods then go see it. Here's the website to see when its coming or too learn a little more about what they do.


Jessica G said...

That sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing! Hope you had a good new years!

Brittany said...

Hey Cobas! Once again I am running into you. Hope things are well. Just wanted to say hi! I actually saw you a month or so ago at the BYU SDSU game but you were in a different section than I was and I wasn't able to say hi. SO hi!!

my blog is: